Category Archives: Nerdie Life

What’s up?

Cosplay that Made My Day….

… Involved furries and a group of Hetalia cosplayers in front of the Duomo in Milan.  Wut.

Behold!  The thing I came to see!


And the Cosplayers!  The Italian cosplayers!


Can I just say that I find it a little ironic that Italians would be playing characters from a show about how idiotic their country’s  physical embodiment happens to be?  But whatever, at least they didn’t ask for money!  Also the costumes are so good I wanted to cry.  Just saying.

And thus I continue my posts after a 10 day trip to Italy. With Stuff like this going on.  In Milan.


Why I Switched Domains: Nerdie Andee is Born

I’ve spent a lot of time trying to figure out what I wanted to write on this blog.  I recently made a blog called minigamebits, which no longer exists.  I only had it for a few weeks but I felt like something was missing for some reason, and despite the fact that I’d actually started something that’s been on my list for a while, I wasn’t satisfied. And what was missing was a personal touch. I wanted to write about games, but I realized that that wasn’t all.  I wanted to include a personal touch.  I wanted to share my experiences, and not just my game opinions.  So this blog isn’t just about what games I’ve recently bought or what  I’m wanna rant about for the day.  This is a personal touch on gaming and some insight on my life as a chick gamer, and I hope that whoever stops by this page will take a few minutes to experience it with me.

Adieu and goodnight.

Nerdie Tag
Here’s my business card.